Matt Parker Knows All Of π

Well no, of course not. But Matt Parker Speaks Binary. (Which is to say that Matt can take some text and rattle off the Ascii binary representation. But most people don't have access to Matt Parker so me, Katie and Luna built a website to simulate it by converting text strings to binary and then playing them back using voice samples from Matt's videos.

Matt Parker Knows All Of π

Well no, of course not. But Google thinks he does and he tweeted about it.

Matt Parker Knows All Of π

Well no, of course not. But this website does. Or rather, it uses a bit of code written by Christian and based on a bunch of maths I don't understand to churn out effectively unlimited digits of π and I realised I could plug that code into Matt Parker Speaks Binary and make Matt Parker Knows All Of π and he tweeted about that too.

Matt Parker Knows All Of π

Well no, of course not. The code works by manipulating five integers over and over to work out the next digit, and while the algorithm will work up to infinity, the numbers involved will get very big. And while in theory JavaScript's BigInt datatype should support arbitrarily large numbers, in practice your computer will eventually run out of memory. Although this website reads out the digits quite slowly so I'm not sure when it would ever become an issue.