Junimoji is a puzzle invented by Friz.
You are making a crossword using the letters below. The empty, black squares are not given — you will need to deduce them and enter them using the space bar. The completed crossword will be a valid grid, i.e., all words will be in the dictionary, the grid will have twofold rotational symmetry, all words will be connected to each other, and there will be no two-letter words. For each subgrid, you have been given the letters that go there, in the order they appear, going from left to right, top to bottom.
Move the cursor with the arrow keys. Switch to the orange mirror cursor using enter enter letters with the letter keys. Add a • to a cell to mark it as not black using the full stop key.
Source code and readmeThis is the orange cursor that does nothing but track the square opposite the "real" blue cursor to help with the symmetry.
A portrait layout with an onscreen keyboard.
By default if your device is set to "dark mode" the background will be black. This disables that.
Makes the background black regardless of your device preferences, which might be handy for, for example, streaming a Junimoji (as if anyone would watch that).
If you have any reasonable sized grid, number cells like a block of flats instead of just increasing numbers — so every cell in the same row has the same first digit and every cell in the same column has the same last digit.
One-tap solvingA quick way to solve 9×9 puzzles on mobile: the only control is tap a square to toggle it being black — the letters will appear when there are the right number of white squares in the subgrid.
Highlight cells in red if they are not connected to the main puzzle.
Highlight cells in red if they make a two-letter word.
Highlight words in blue if they appear more than once in the grid.
Highlight words in orange if they're not in the dictionary. (The wordlist is taken from Aspell.) Some puzzles may include words outside that dictionary but it might help you spot typos.